Chief Capital Officer
The New Strategic Asset and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Chief Capital Officer (CCO)
The Ultimate Recombinant Invention
The product of a unique blend of interdisciplinary practice, theory, and research, this new leadership role is a breakthrough opportunity to maximize firm-level net present value and investor wealth.
Sustainable Value Creation
Total Capital Management™ (TCM) Governance, Leadership, and Management
The single best way to decide if you should invest in a company is to find out if corporate leaders have made the fundamental shift to TCM governance, leadership, and management.
Interdisciplinary Capital Management
Systems-Level Value Creation
An excellent indicator of this shift is the replacement of the old-fashioned, intradisciplinary organizational design with TCM's breakthrough interdisciplinary organizational design focused on the process and outcome of total capital management.
Chief Capital Officer
The Ultimate Breakthrough Position
Once corporate leaders utilize TCM to transform their firms into interdisciplinary SuperOrgs, it becomes obvious that the Chief Capital Officer position is the ultimate breakthrough position to lead the formation, allocation, utilization, and dynamic reallocation of all types of capital needed to achieve today's standard for business excellence: the Sustainability Synthesis™.
Chief Capital Officer (CCO) and Total Capital Management (TCM) Function:
The Ultimate
Strategic Business Partners (SBP)
The old-fashioned, pre-SuperOrg Strategic Business Partner role burdened line management with multiple toolkits for managing each type of capital.
In post-SuperOrg firms, CCOs and their TCM functions provide line managers with the single, interdisciplinary Digital Total Capital Management Toolkit™ (DTCMT) enabling achievement of the Sustainability Synthesis: producing superior levels of sustainable shareholder value while making a positive impact on overall economic, environmental, and social sustainability on behalf of all other valued stakeholders.
To learn more about SuperOrg , please visit www.superorg.solutions.
Developmental Process:
Become a Sickles Certified
Chief Capital Officer
Administered by
the Chief Capital Officer Institute
A unique, principles-based, transformational learning opportunity to make the fundamental shift from intradisciplinary to interdisciplinary capital management needed to achieve the Sustainability Synthesis, the breakthrough global standard for "doing well by doing good."
Linda Beatrice Louis
“The Chief Capital Officer role brings to corporate governance and management a groundbreaking transformation in the way business and management is done, to build the foundation for firms that produce sustainable returns, value and deliver on accountability and become the best place to work by engendering a culture of employee buy-in and responsive organizational structures.”
On the CCO Development Process:
“Mark Sickles is an extraordinary teacher and mentor, with an incredible investment in assisting corporations to evolve in a changing world, and with that rare dedication to bridging the gap between corporate profits and public interest. This makes him a unique mentor for professionals from all walks of life - his emphasis in demonstrating how various disciplines and specialties are, in fact, interconnected in building a better society makes his methods relatable and appealing to people from multiple backgrounds. In his interdisciplinary approach, Mark makes corporate management a field of work that is eminently attractive not just to businesspeople, but to anyone interested in problem-solving and bringing about transformational change in the way businesses are run.”
Bob Henderson, MBA, CMA
“I am a big supporter of Mark Sickles and the Total Capital Management (TCM) discipline as the core principles and concepts align perfectly with my own perspective of the effective organization. Work is designed and performed as a system horizontally across the organization in a cooperative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary manner. The outcome of TCM is a great place to work, a great place to buy, and a great place to invest as extraordinary results are generated in sustainable ways.
I can't say enough about Mark. He is a passionate and strategic thinker and impressive thought leader who has fathered TCM and the Chief Capital Officer role. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to learn directly from Mark while being super excited to see the TCM Movement gaining traction. I look forward to future acceleration which will enable more companies to become positive net present value machines.
If you are looking for new ways to elevate your organizational performance or are intrigued at all about the TCM approach, I strongly recommend you contact Mark to learn about the TCM Three-Legged Stool of system, position, and function. I am very confident you will benefit from your curiosity and inquiry.”
Sandy Hakala, CPA, MBA
“The Next Level CFO – And Then Some! Having been a CFO for almost ten years, and faced with another CPA license renewal, I searched for a breakthrough course that would teach me something beyond the normal financial updates and skill enhancements. The CFO of the Future Course: Transforming Into a Chief Capital Officer was eye-opening from the very first module. I can say this course forever changed the way I look at business. This course is not just about financial concepts but rather integrates other disciplines like quality, technology, organizational architecture, and effective governance. If you want to take your career to a level beyond finance, this is the course to take.”
Listen to CCOI Chairman and Father of Total Capital Management Mark W. Sickles discuss the TCM Movement
“Just like his free form talking on the UK! Masterminding, Mark’s “Going Green” podcast is fabulous."
Paula Turk
World Thought Leader
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